ひまわりイラスト ニュースとお知らせ   2013年6月号   A4, 10頁 ひまわりイラスト

A large quantity of pacu fry released into the Paraguay River

New hope for creating the fertile Chaco, shared with the President of the Republic


"Viva Paraguay!" President Franco and people of Chaco share joy at the release ceremony of pacu fry.




On 3 May, ASD in NSA released fry of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) into the Paraguay River. The number of released fry is estimated roughly as 100,000. The release of one of the most favorite species for both fishermen and consumers is an epoch-making event for restoration of rich nature in the Pantanal and development of the Chaco. The fry have grown large and healthy enough, thanks to Heaven and devoted staff of Leda Farm, after their first success in artificial incubation in January.

"I thank you all who have been in this Chaco making many efforts for the sake of the Chaco. I thank the Association for Sustainable Development in the North and South Americas for being based in the Chaco and for having chosen Paraguay", said President Federico Franco in the opening ceremony held in the Seminar House of Leda Farm. He added, "I believe that Puerto Leda will become an exemplary model for the Chaco, that those beautiful buildings will become the symbol to reflect the richness of Chaco, and that the Chaco is worthy of governmental support." President Franco released the first pacu fry into the river this day in Puerto Leda.

Also participated in the event: Minister of the Environment, Minister and Vice-Minister of Agriculture and Cattle Raising, and professors of the National University of Asunción. Among attendants were high officials of the local governments, Marine officers, Police officers, people of alto Paraguay, and our supporters in Paraguay and South America.


共同プロジェクトのバナー Joint Project banner
南北米福地開発財団(上)FDSANS(ASD in NSAの現地法人)
アスンシオン大学獣医学部水産学科 Department of fisheries and aquiculture, National University of Asunción


T-shirt logo for the ceremonial event. It reads, "We take care of the ecosystem. We take care of the Pantanal."

President Franco arrives at Leda Farm around 11:15 a.m.

Mr. Nakata reports how release of pacu fry has come to reality in Leda.

写真2013jun04 水産科の教授が、魚の放流について説明
Professor of the department of fisheries and aquiculture gives a short lecture on fry release into waters.

President Franco speaks. (English translation below)

President Franco and all staff walk to the point of fry release near the cape of Puerto Leda.

Professor Magno of the University of Asunción briefs aquiculture and release of pacu. He has been helping us for artificial incubation.

Pacu fry in plastic bags filled with oxygen. Fry are to get used to the river water inside the protection net.

President Franco looks at the pacu fry in the plastic bag in his hand."

President Franco releases pacu fry into the Paraguay. People shout, "Viva Paraguay!"

Pacu fry go to the river water. Inside the surrounding net, they get used to the river water, learn to feed themselves, and get ready to live in the wild river.

Happy lunch after release of fry. Everybody enjoys tasty asado in our canteen, filled with friendly air.

Japanese noren-like wall hangings and Korean jinseng presented to President Franco.

President Franco plants a young tree for commemoration after visiting all around Leda Farm as far as Pigland.

Everyone is at home all the time of their visit to Leda Farm on this beautiful day.

Asunción-based daily ABC reports President Franco's visit to Leda and release of pacu fry into the Paraguay.

Chamacoco dance performed for the release ceremony. The Chamacoco is a group of indigenous people living in several communities in the Chaco.


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パク稚魚放流式典にて、2013年5月3日 プエルト・レダ




第二に、政府がチャコに対して関心を持って政策を行っている証拠として、中央チャコにパラグアイ川の水を送る送水路の建設に現在取り掛かっております。長年苦しんできたチャコ地方にパラグアイ川から水が送られるようになります。私はチャコ地方が最も豊かなところになる可能性を秘めていると確信しています。それ故、健康、教育、通信面のインフラの拡充に取り組んでいきたいと思っています。 それ故に、皆様方がこのチャコにおられ、チャコのために様々な努力をしてくださっていることに感謝いたします。私は、南北米福地開発協会がチャコに拠点を置いて下さり、パラグアイを選んでくださったことに対して感謝いたします。プエルトレダがチャコの鏡になると思います。またこのような素晴らしい建築物がチャコの豊かさを反映するシンボルになると思います。チャコは政府のサポートを得るにふさわしいものであると思います。






Message of President Franco

President Federico Franco speaks at the Ceremony of Release of Pacu Fry in Puerto Leda, 3 May 2013.

Today, I talked with the Minister of Agriculture and Pasturage, the Secretary of Environmental Agency, the General, and the Colonel in the airplane. In 2003, when I was the governor of the Central Department in Paraguay, I carried out a trial project to farm fish in the natural river for the first time in Paraguay. It was to farm native species of fish such as pacu, dorado, boga, and surubi. Today, farming of fish of foreign origin such as tilapia and carp has advanced very much, but the release of native species in Puerto Leda is a big news for Paraguay.

As Mr. Chairperson of this Foundation has just mentioned, fish is healthier than beef as our food, and it is very significant to release fry into the River. The government supplies fishermen with financial aid in a closed season for fishing, but Leda shows a solution for living without depending on the governmental help. I thank the Association for Sustainable Development in the North and South Americas, and thank for the effort of the Fisheries Department of the University led by Dr. Insaurralde. The government is always willing to cooperate with such efforts.

The Chaco covers 62% of the area of Paraguay, but its population is only 2%. It is important to develop this area, which has been left undeveloped. So I would like to praise the efforts of the Mayor of Fuerte Olimpo, who strived for paving the runway so that the departure and arrival of airplanes is enabled even in rainy weather. The government would promise to pave the runway of Bahia Negra with concrete for next. That will express the government’s concern for remote areas such as Fuerte Olimpo, Puerto Leda, Bahia Negra, etc.

Second, we have started the construction of an aqueduct to draw water of the Paraguay to the Central Chaco, so that the government’s concern for the Chaco is visible in its policy. Water will come from the Paraguay to the Chaco district which suffered for many years from lack of water. I am strongly convinced that the Chaco has a potential to be the richest land. So, I am eager to enforce expansion and strengthening of the infrastructure for health, education, and communications.

I thank you all who have been in this Chaco making many efforts for the sake of the Chaco. I thank the Association for Sustainable Development in the North and South Americas for being based in the Chaco and for having chosen Paraguay. I believe that Puerto Leda will become an exemplary model for the Chaco, that those beautiful buildings will become the symbol to reflect the richness of Chaco, and that the Chaco is worthy of governmental support.

It is said that the Chaco is a neglected land in history. However I believe development of the Chaco is the key to development of Paraguay. The Chaco is a go-between to tie the Pacific and the Atlantic, and there is no way to connect with Asian economy without going through the Chaco. People will understand it soon. A remarkable economic development will soon be seen in the Chaco.

In Chaco today, natural gas has been discovered, and the deposits of petroleum found. It has come to be known that there are underground resources such as iron, copper, and nickel. The airport of the town of Mariscal Estegarribia (the northernmost base of Paraguayan troops is placed) will become the most important base of physical distribution in South America soon. There will be arriving and departing 200 cargo planes a week. The town is very important as a strategic base owing to its equidistance from Buenos Aires in Argentina, Sao Paulo in Brazil, Montevideo in Uruguay, Santiago in Chile, and La Paz in Bolivia.

I thank the Association for Sustainable Development in the North and South Americas for taking the initiative. I also thank the group of the Rev. Moon for investing in the Chaco. Paraguay particularly the Chaco has a very promising future. I think that your investment and presence here play an important role in development of the future Chaco. I think the Chaco should be given the top priority in the future policy of the government, and that in the budget accordingly.

Soon twenty four-wheel-drive trucks are going to be donated to our troops from Germany. Paraguay has no enemy. No war either. However, the troops are necessary for development of the Chaco and have an important role. Those trucks must be used for the sake of the Chaco and for those like the Association for Sustainable Development in the North and South Americas. Those vehicles are to run for physical distribution aimed for developing the Chaco.

May God’s blessing and happiness be with you all!


パクー稚魚放流式典における中田所長の挨拶、2013年5月3日 プエルト・レダ






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